

Anarchist Library

Zweierstrasse 42
8004 Zürich

The anarchist library Fermento is a place where there is read and discussed, where the traces of the anarchist movement are followed as well as where it is tried to animate it here and now… Here you find a mostly calm place to read, browse, explore and research, but sometimes you’ll also find heated discussions about the possibilities and impossibilities of insurrection, revolution and anarchy.

Anarchist is this library not only because you find there anarchist publications from all times and sundry places, but also because it shall be a small contribution to the realization of anarchy. Consequently it doesn’t want to put itself outside of social conflicts, but should be much more a meeting point for further developing and spreading struggles against all (thus also specific) forms of domination.

A place thus not only of studying and reading beyond the muggy atmosphere of university and school, but also of discussion about theories and deeds, realities, perspectives, projects and possibilities. A place not only for the spreading and rendering accessible of anarchist writings, but also a place which should fasten the process of fermentation which can lead to the individual and collective insurrection.

In the anarchist library Fermento you find:

  • a well selected multilingual distro area with contemporary magazines, brochures, journals, posters, stickers, books and similar stuff from all over the world to go;
  • A library area, with all kinds of anarchist books and brochures for uncomplicated loan; this in several languages: english, german, french, italian, turkish, greek and still some more.
  • An archive with various anarchist and antiauthoritarian periodicals from the last 150 years, as well as a separate collection of reference books about social history, revolutionary theory and history, literature, analysis of the enemy, informative stuff, etc for look-up and research…
  • an extensive digital archive (available on the spot);
  • a place to read and study;
  • a toilet
  • Coffee, tea and something to nosh…
  • … and from time to time also events like discussions, presentations, movies, and the like.

The library is (logically) independent from institutions and organizations, doesn’t purusue commercial interests and is not a service enterprise. Donations are cordially welcome, in the form of money as well es of anarchist books.

Events will be announced on the blog, with flyers or per mail.



current opening times:

Wednesday: 3pm – 8pm

Thursday: 5pm – 9pm

Saturday: 1pm – 6pm

donate to:

Account number: 60-684900-4

IBAN: CH55 0900 0000 6068 4900 4